Sneh IVF – IVF In Ahmedabad | Best IVF & Fertility Hospital In Ahmedabad

PGS & PGD Test For IVF

Every couple wishes to have a baby. If you are unable to complete parenthood journey, then you need to look for the best fertility clinic that diagnoses your infertility issues which may help to live your dream. Nowadays, PGS & PGD for IVF in Ahmedabad is a common practice used in IVF for better the success rate.

PGD means Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and PGS means pre-implantation Genetic Screen. These test usually performs by the fertility doctors to reduce the As a couple, your wish is only to risk of inheriting the genetic disease from the parents at Sneh IVF in affordable charges Test. Sneh IVF is one of the best fertility clinics in Ahmedabad that will provide you appropriate reports for better outcomes.

have a healthy child that live long without using medications. In this test, the Embryo biopsy is performed to find out the issues. These are the advanced tests and you should need to learn about it deeply.

What Is PGD Treatment?

PGD test performs by the IVF doctor to find the quality of embryo at the Chromosomal and genetic level. These tests are commonly performed on those who have found with genetic disorders. PGD treatment is done to prevent the risk of genetic issues to enter the baby.

With this test, a parent and fertility doctor can know about which embryo contains genetic disorder and which is not.

As per this analysis, a fertility doctor can select high-quality and genetic disorder free embryo for implantation. In this process, from the sets of 8 cells, one cell is selected and sent for testing to make sure the chosen sample is perfect for IVF.

The pituitary gland presents in the brain and plays a vital role in fertility and controls the entire process. The fertilized egg matures into an embryo that continues to womb itself and produce into a baby.

A female is born with large numbers and quality of eggs, as you grow with age quality of eggs decreases and the chances of infertility occurs and you have to suffer from menopause. Fertility also depends on other aspects as well such as nutrition, environmental concern, medical history, lifestyle, and emotions.

Advanced Infertility: IVF & Surrogacy Center

Are you looking for the Affordable Infertility and IVF Clinic in India? Our main focus is to offer low cost fertility treatment packages with high IVF success rate. Need to discuss your Infertility case?

How Much Does PGD IVF Cost?

With Sneh IVF – PGD IVF cost is highly affordable. It’s starting range is from Rs. 1,50,000 to Rs. 2,40,000. However, the PGD testing cost in Ahmedabad will vary from one place to place.

What Is The Difference Between PGD And PGS?

Pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS) is quite different from the pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). In PGS DNA does not check. This testing simply used for checking the quality of the embryo and its chromosomal abnormalities, a major reason for miscarriages and implantation failure. Even this cause trouble for IVF patient a lot.

While PGD is a complex and perfect method to know the quality of embryos that have fewer chromosomes abnormalities, thus it can increase the IVF success rate in Ahmedabad. PGD tests the genes and disorders related to specific genes. If a patient is found with genetic issues, PGD treatment is performed to prevent the disease and the child with the same concerns.

Advanced Infertility: IVF & Surrogacy Center

Are you looking for the Affordable Infertility and IVF Clinic in India? Our main focus is to offer low cost fertility treatment packages with high IVF success rate. Need to discuss your Infertility case?

Fertility Treatment FAQ’s

According to the data, PGD testing is completely safe and give no side effect on your baby. With this test, the chances of getting birth defects reduce and you will have a healthy child. Well, PGD is a complex procedure. Therefore, it mainly performs by an IVF specialist. If anything goes wrong, the risk gets higher.

It is safe with IVF as this reduces the risk of miscarriage and fail of IVF. But yes you need to make sure you are getting treated by professionals who have years of experience in handling the process and labs equipment.

If you have decided to go with PGD testing with IVF, first you have to wait for 15 days so your doctor allows your screening of embryos before implantation. In the fertility clinics, PGD testing is performed 3 days before the implantation on fresh embryos. However, at Sneh, we usually perform PGD later (5 days when the blastocyst stage achieved) when the embryos are perfectly developed to reduce the risk of damages. After the testing, the transfer process is recommended for the successful IVF. The entire process takes 6-7 weeks.

The fertility doctor recommends PGS with IVF only to check the factors of infertility, miscarriage, older age, and large numbers of embryos. This often recommended if a couple faced multiple miscarriages in the past. Sometimes, PGS is advisable only to 35% cases of IVF. The cost of PGS ranges from Rs 2, 50, 000 to Rs. 5, 00,000.

While PGS, the fertility doctors’ work with high-quality embryos transfers only, which help in achieving success and reduce the risk of miscarriages. With the screening of embryos, doctor and patent get to know which embryos healthy or not. If your doctor suggests you to choose PGS so, this will work for sure and give you a happy and healthy baby.

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